We are returning to the time of the sacred...a time of awakening all that is within our cellular memory, to once again trust and embrace life, honor our spirit, and give voice to our own unique expression.
The Retonemnts are tools that empower us to integrate and reclaim the Feminine Christ energy, bringing ourselves into full and complete balance with the Sacred Masculine . This offering gives capability of living in the Fifth Dimension energy frequencies in a balanced and creative way.

You know your enlighten self and won’t hear yourself thinking that you are less than a lighted master. You are the first human beings in a dualistic 3-D reality that has been able to push the envelope, be open to the fact that what lies ahead of you in the very near future is wildly astonishing, beautiful, wonderful, peaceful, and harmonious, and a place you remember deep inside as home. Why will it be this way you ask? Because you not only wanted this new reality, and believed it was possible, and now beginning to act as if this amazing new future is already here. When you do act as if, you quit being an initiate, and step into the role of the living master.

For several years I have been receiving information from Creator of a higher vibrational energy system that we as humans will be evolving into that carries more light capacity. Others have received this same information that we will emerge into a unified chakra system.

I front of my eyes this system revealed itself. The information was recieved in light and tone and translated itself into a descriptive language as I shared the information and witnessed activation of the new grid within others

The Awakening Within..... There are many pathways to the I AM within ,the following information that is shared within this text came from my experiences with Spirit, a Energy that I recognize as a Group that calls itself The Greater Aspect. I hope in someway you will connect to the Greater Aspect within you,your I AM. Listen your inner whispher ....allow Heart Song to Shine.......
Infinite Blessings

So what happens

This energy will allow you to let go of the old world. Let go of your past, your wounds, your betrayals, your insecurities, and even your beliefs that you are somehow not a brilliant masterful being. You will expand to the awareness of it is time to release Saviorship and be the complete being of light that reflects the energy of I hold the place for your light, how may I reflect this to you.
The activation of the Earth Infinity Grid brings synthesis of unanimity via the thread of conscious by interconnecting the Earth Star, the Core Star, the Soul Star and the Solar Star.
Your Earth Star is:you’re the individual connection with the energies of a harmonious relationship with the planet and anchors the body into the time and space coordinates of the planet. The Earth Star point connects us to the Earth’s Core as well as the Earth’s Electromagnetic Fields. The Earth Star point forms prior to birth in the geographic location and familial circumstances required by the Soul to accomplish the lessons of mastery. It contains the memory of the Soul’s journey and the key to this life’s infinite paths. It contains the memory of the One Path that is the Soul’s Highest Intent for this lifetime. The New Light of this energy center represents the concept that this lifehood is the completion of the current Planetary Cycle of karma, its limitations, and its anguish. After this activation, this lifehood of physical incarnation will begin to remember mastery, experience expanded awareness, and prepare with all life forms in the Universe for an evolutionary shift closer toward the Divine Essence. Recognition of the varied other Consciousness within the Universe at large and in the various other dimensions of time and space and our connection to them is highlighted. Earth incarnation is not experienced as restrictive but as the time for expansion and transformation that will result in a heaven on Earth, a new cycle of existence, or the Golden Age of the human species. The Earth Star point color vibration is dark silver or black. The field of influence is the recognition of assisting the true purpose of the greater plan of the greater aspect of the individual’s earth purpose.
The Thread of Conscious ascends up the body and activates the knee infinity symbol. This yields the energy of the ability to dissolve the emotional attachment to past and stand in the empowerment of the knowledge and wisdom gained with the ability to move forward on the path of awareness.
The Thread of Conscious then moves to the activation point of the infinity symbol located at the hips. This is the knowing understanding of the Divine perception of survival, the absolute of beingness. It connects you to the Almighty Infinite essence of this. This energy concept is uploaded into every cell of your body from this assimilation point that intersects with the energy position of the root chakra. Traveling up your middle column after releasing the Inner locked magnetic Matrices as you travel up your organ systems you will carry the power to activate into the Lightbody of the original Divine Blue print.
The Core Star unifies with the Heart. Core Star is the core of divine truth of your indivdual essence, within lies purity and pristine energy of who you are. At this point the Heart transforms into an infinity symbol that interconnects the throat to the pineal, activating the master cell to the crown. This will ignite the activation of the Solar Star.
The Solar Star is the connection to the remembrance of the Cosmic connection of the greater plan of the greater aspect.
In the completion of the amalgamation of the Earth Star, Core Star, Soul Star and the Solar Star you will have completely crossed the bridge and have begun acclimatizing to the new frequencies. It is a much higher altitude/frequency than you are used to. It will take some adjusting. This is what you might call the shift to the ages. You have pushed the evolution envelope by your strong will, tenacity and strong intense spiritual focus. You know your enlighten self and won’t hear yourself thinking that you are less than a lighted master. You are the first human beings in a dualistic 3-D reality that has been able to push the envelope, be open to the fact that what lies ahead of you in the very near future is wildly astonishing, beautiful, wonderful, peaceful, and harmonious, and a place you remember deep inside as home. Why will it be this way you ask? Because you not only wanted this new reality, and believed it was possible, and now beginning to act as if this amazing new future is already here. When you do act as if, you quit being an initiate, and step into the role of the living master.